// Alley Soundscapes: Chariots & Charioteers - Dairy Block

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Alley Soundscapes: Chariots & Charioteers



Saturday, August 17

6:00PM – 8:00PM

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Uncover the boundless sounds of Denver through music.
Enjoy live music from Denver local artists, every weekend in the vibrant Dairy Block Alley. Line-ups are updated every month with new and returning artists.

Tonight's featured artist: Chariots & Charioteers


Chariots & Charioteers play songs that make processing unusual emotions fun. The Denver-based quartet uses a quick-changing roster of mostly acoustic instruments to play an earthy, quirky take on modern indie-pop. Imagine if Regina Spektor and The Oh Hellos met in a Dave Matthews Band tribute band, and you've got something like it.

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