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Murder Mystery: Masquerade

Food + DrinkFood + Drink


Thursday, February 6

6:00PM – 9:00PM

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The rustle of silks and feathers under muted conversation was probably the last thing heard by the tragically and unexpectedly deceased at the Billionaires’ Club Annual Masquerade Ball. With a mystery under each feathery façade, unmasking the killer may be quite a challenge. It’s up to you to determine which partygoer is guilty, bring this crime to justice, and save the party!

Attend the Billionaires’ Club Annual Masquerade Ball and help get this soiree back on track by trading clues with your guests, gathering information, and solving the crime before the masked menace gets away! Evening wear, ball gowns, Venetian masks, suits, and tuxes are what to wear to this high class night of masks and murder. Get ready for a glamorous evening of mystery, intrigue, and murder at this masquerade ball murder mystery party!

Your ticket includes:

• Two (2) complimentary cocktails
• Light appetizers to enjoy throughout the evening

Additional cocktails will be available for purchase.

Put on your best evening wear with venetian mask and get ready for an unforgettable night of twists and turns. Get ready for a night of mystery, cocktails, and fun!


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