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October Artists on the Rise Concert: Sophia Eliana

Food + DrinkFood + DrinkMusicMusic


Friday, October 13

6:00PM – 8:00PM

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Dairy Block is ending its live local music series, Artists on the Rise, with the incredible Sophia Eliana as the [final] spotlight of October!

Eliana, a California-based singer / songwriter, just made her way to Denver, CO with the hopes of building her musical career. This indie-folk musician creates music with a heartfelt essence, pulling inspiration from her hobbies of dancing and visual artistry.

With a lineup of original music in the works, Eliana hopes to showcase her unique vocals at two, [FREE] concerts in the Alley:

  • -Friday, October 13th, 6-8pm
  • -Friday, October 27th, 6-8pm
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Sophia Eliana promo shot featuring her guitar and a sheep